If you are experiencing the symptoms of hearing loss, there are ways to slow down the progression and boost your auditory capabilities. Hearing aids provide those going through hearing loss with a way to amplify sounds and engage in conversation without issue. Hearing aid technology is constantly becoming more advanced, allowing those with varying degrees of hearing loss to maintain the same quality of life.

There are so many types of hearing aids on the market, all of which offer the user different styles, materials and functionality. Since your hearing aid will become an integral part of your life, it is highly important that you take some time over your decision and pick the perfect one for your needs.

The best hearing aids are prescribed by an audiologist and are customized to meet the exact specifications and requirements of the wearer. However, it is now possible for anyone to purchase these over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids. The following article takes a look at the pros and cons of OTC hearing aids to determine whether they are ever the best solution.

What Are OTC Hearing Aids?

OTC hearing aids are an alternative to prescription hearing aids, usually marketed to people with mild to moderate levels of hearing loss. They can be purchased online or over the counter in certain stores and can be used by anyone. Unlike a prescription device, they are not customized to the wearer, and they are in the level of adjustment possible. The settings are preprogrammed onto the device and offer only basic amplification of high frequency sounds.

What Are the Benefits of OTC Hearing Aids?

It’s understandable that you would want to avoid spending money on your hearing aids, but low cost should not be at the expense of quality. There are plenty of OTC hearing aids available online, but these will not provide the same level of comfort and performance of one prescribed and fitted by an audiologist.

When it comes to prescription hearing aids, there are many different styles and options available to suit all budgets. Not to mention the fact that many over the counter hearing aids are not of the same quality as prescription hearing aids, so you will only end up spending money to replace them later on.

Being able to order a hearing aid online at the click of a button is undoubtedly convenient, but sometimes it’s worth taking the time to find the perfect solution. The reason OTC hearing aids are so easy to obtain is that they are generic and not adjusted to the user. A prescription hearing device on the other hand, will require you to visit an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor who will have it fitted to your ear and adjust the sound levels to your hearing.

What Are the Drawbacks of OTC Hearing Aids?

An OTC hearing aid may well help with self-perceived mild hearing loss, but it will not be suitable for someone whose hearing loss is more advanced. Although the makes and models vary, many over the counter products are of low quality and will provide limited help. It is far better to visit an ENT to obtain a prescription hearing aid precisely tuned to your needs.

By nature, an over-the-counter hearing aid is generic, meaning it will not be tuned to your specific degree of hearing loss. You may find it is also uncomfortable to wear, as it has not been fitted to meet the shape of your ear. Many users of over-the-counter products find they have to adopt a trial-and-error approach to finding the right hearing aid.

So, which is best – OTC hearing aids or prescription hearing aids? Although OTC devices may be easier to obtain, it’s clear that a prescription device is the superior option, no matter how advanced your hearing loss may be. Your hearing is important so you cannot compromise on quality.

Prescription hearing aids will be fitted and adjusted by an ENT ensuring they sit comfortably in or behind your ear and that the sound levels are perfectly set to your specific level of hearing. An ENT will also be able to give you advice and guidance for getting the best out of your new devices and if you do experience any discomfort or issues, you will be able to book another appointment to have them adjusted again.

If you are experiencing hearing loss or are considering getting hearing aids, book an appointment with one of our ENT today. You can reach the Vero ENT Associates’ team by calling us today at (772) 408-9556.

Tags: faqs, over-the-counter hearing aids