As we make our way through fall and venture closer to winter, those affected by allergies may find themselves having a hard time. Although many associate allergies, such as hay fever, with the summertime. It’s important to know that allergies season can span through the fall and winter season as well.

According to Healthline, around eight percent of Americans experience allergies. It happens when your immune system reacts to a normally harmless substance as if it were an intruder.

How Can Fall and Winter Allergies Affect You?

Allergies affect you in several ways, from a runny or stuffy nose to sneezing, watery and itchy eyes, ear congestion and itchy sinuses. Allergies can also come from indoor factors such as indoor mold, dust mites and other allergens that are part of the home.

Since we tend to think that allergies are often seen in the summer, we don’t notice these potential allergy triggers until it’s too late.

Why Is It Important to Know How Each Allergy Can Affect You and When?

It’s essential to know how each allergy affects you to find a way to tackle it. Since each season can affect you differently, knowing how your allergies will affect you can help you find a way to reduce how much it impacts you. Whether it knows what your triggers are or when your allergies start.

How to Reduce Allergy Triggers?

There are various ways you can reduce your allergy triggers. One way is knowing what triggers your allergies. This can be pollen, dust, a fabric softener or even peanut butter. When it comes to environmental factors, you will need to be aware of your surroundings.

An example of this is ensuring that your home or where you work is properly insulation and ventilated to prevent the billed up of mold and other substances that could profoundly affect your health.

Stay Indoors on Windy Days

Wind can blow pollen, dust and other allergens into the air, affecting you when you breathe them in. Many people who experience hay fever often find that it affects them the most when they decide to go out. Staying inside during windy days can help to reduce your exposure to outside pollen.

Remove Clothes That You Wore Outside

In the same way, pollen and other allergens can stay on your clothes, bringing you to your home. Once it is in your home, it will continue to affect you, making your allergies worse. Removing clothes you’ve worn outside and washing them can be a good way of getting rid of any allergies that have made their way onto your clothing.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication

If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed by your allergies. Over-the-counter medication could be what you need to help you keep on top of your allergies. Several OTC medications can be used to tackle seasonal allergies; however, not every remedy would be perfect for you.

It helps to read more about these types of medication online or speak with your ENT doctor, specializing in allergies, to learn more about it.

Ensure You Have Good Ventilation in the Winter and Fall Months

Ventilation can mean a lot during the changing of the season, especially when you have allergies. This is because you may find that causes such as indoor mold, dust mites and other issues can affect your allergies. Having proper ventilation in your home means that you have a steady stream of air pushing through your home and ensuring that these issues do not affect you in the long run.

Use a Humidifier During the Winter

As the weather starts to get colder, you may find yourself using your heating a little more, this can often make the air in your home dry and it can affect your allergies. Using a humidifier can help to tackle dry air in your home. However, it is recommended that you use this sparingly, so you don’t cause a further issue with your allergies.

For instance, using your humidifier too much can allow dust mites to thrive since they enjoy temperatures over 60 degrees Fahrenheit. While high humidity can also promote the growth of mold.

In the end, as the seasons’ change and you are afflicted with allergies. It’s important to remember that there are ways you can get help with your allergies, whether that is trying these tips on how to avoid the fall and winter allergy triggers or finding out how to overcome symptoms that come with your allergies. Or try to learn more about dealing with your allergies by calling Vero ENT Associates today at (772) 408-9556.