Septum surgery is a relatively simple procedure that can provide the relief you need from issues caused by a deviated septum. If you notice any of the three symptoms below, this may indicate you have a deviated septum and could benefit from a consultation with an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor.

Nosebleeds and pain

To an extent, nosebleeds are fairly natural, and most of us will experience a few at various points in our life. However, if your nosebleeds are frequent, then this may be a sign of a deviated septum. It is all the more important to note this symptom if it is accompanied by facial pain, especially in the aftermath of an injury. This can occur even if the nose itself has not been injured. If you have, for example, injured your cheekbone, the swelling may restrict your nasal passages. If you have a naturally deviated septum, this sudden narrowing is particularly problematic and may lead you to investigate options to centralize your septum as a result.

Awareness of the “nasal cycle”

The nasal cycle is a process that the vast majority of people simply don’t notice; it’s something we experience from birth, and as such, our brain tends to discount it from our conscious awareness in a similar way to how we experience blinking. However, if you become aware of the nasal cycle, then this could be a sign that you may need septum surgery in the future. When we breathe, our nostrils block in turn; as an example, let’s say you inhale once, and your right nostril blocks. On the second inhale, your left nostril will block, while your right one unblocks in turn. This is an entirely natural process, but if you are hyper-aware of the alternation of which nostril is blocked, this could be a sign of a deviated septum, and this discussion with a medical professional is beneficial.

Difficulty breathing through the nose

If you struggle to breathe comfortably through your nose, then a deviated septum could well be the cause. It is more common to feel ‘blocked’ on one nostril, though both can be affected, and particularly if you have a cold or experience hayfever.

Does everyone with a deviated septum need septum surgery?

It is worth noting that not all deviated septums require surgery to remedy; the matter is best judged on a case-by-case basis, considering how the condition (which occurs in around 80% of all adults) impacts your life. However, if you have experienced any of the issues above, then septum surgery may be the right choice for you. This is true whether you have recently developed these issues – for example, after an injury – or whether they have persisted through your life. In either case, it is best to discuss the problems you are experiencing with an ear, nose and throat doctor; they will be able to investigate to ascertain the cause, and then advise on the suitability of septum surgery as a potential remedy. If the thought of septum surgery is troubling, then be reassured: the process is simple, straightforward, and capable of producing results that can ease your symptoms once and for all.